💦💧💦luxury authentic tantra massage and fantasy!💦💧💦 beautiful, h🔥t, fit, doctorate. heightened state of ecstasy! 💦💦💦

Posted : Sunday, January 26, 2025 03:46 PM | 31 views


Inviting the mature, refined,  affluent gentleman   to an exciting   world of intense relaxation and rejuvenation. You will feel as if you have had a mini-vacation within a very short period of time.  In this, you will also have residual benefits. This experience can help you if you are having writer's block, planning goals, generating ideas to grow your business, rejuvenate you as a result of burn out, and help you tap into positive energy to help your relationships.  It is a mind-body extravaganza!

I use special techniques to relax you and realign and charge the seven (7) energy centers of the body. That will enable you to immediately feel a shift.  One happy person, after a session, screamed how ALIVE he felt. He has since indulged frequently.  Another said: “first session was absolutely incredible and the last time was one of the best experiences of my life!!!”  Another exclaimed: “I have been massaged by the best, but I have NEVER been massaged like THAT before!”  Another said “I felt very safe, relaxed, and loved during the experience!”  Still, another said after  being a twenty (20) plus year smoker, once he started taking sessions and feeling wonderful, the smoking became antithetical, which prompted him to give up smoking  (through patch, and gradually over the course of one year).  So, a wonderful shift can occur for you!  All one needs is a shift, in the right direction, put one foot in front of the other, and off you go!

Experience this unique and effective treatment for yourself!  I am well trained and certified in Swedish massage, and other modalities. I am certified in holistic treatments, including chakra energizing and realignment.  I am certified in hypno-therapy .  The session is a mind/body extravaganza.  The massage is an integral component of our objectives.  I deliver a thorough therapeutic massage (not parlor quality massage), where we work layer by layer, progressively getting deeper to relieve tension.  Can’t go too deep too fast because the muscle will think it is under attack and seize up,  thereafter  won’t let us in again. Also many people do not realize it, but when the muscles are tight, blood does not flow freely through the tissues to whisk away toxins and waste products that the cells constantly emit.  So massage is a very beneficial treatment.  I am present, physically and mentally during your massage, that is, I don’t think about what I had for  breakfast   yesterday, or my to-do list after the session.  My  awareness  is  on  you the entire time, and I vigilantly look after your well-being the entire time.  

Fantasies are also on the menu:  seduction, nurse/patient, boss/worker, cross-dressing, teacher/student, dominance, fetishes and more!  We will incorporate dialogue, clothing and fine details to bring your psycho-drama to life.  If you are not sure what your fantasy is, I am happy to be your Sherpa   guide.  To uncover yours, think about what experiences you may have had when you were coming of age (12-13 years), because puberty awareness   is new, exciting, so certain experiences can latch on and cement)…ask yourself: were there any experiences that may have seemed  innocuous at the time, but now, they bring excitement and pleasure to you, and have imprinted deeply into your subconscious.  

I am very friendly, empathic,  personable   and   have a positive out-look. All these factors are important because the recipient will feel it through the touch. This will enable us to enter the portal of the magic world mentioned above.

I am very attractive, multi-faceted: athletic--run, swim--musically inclined, play chess, well-traveled, intellectually curious, great sense of humor, and a people-person. I also have a doctorate degree.

Call now to begin our journey!  YOU WILL LOVE IT!









A man’s two most important jobs he has is to be a provider and protector.  That means you have to be useful to yourself and those around you and the group at large.  That is why a man who doesn’t have a job, who doesn’t provide, who doesn’t have functionality is looked down upon and looked at as less masculine.  


It will be very difficult to do the first thing--to be useful and functional if you do not have a purpose that allows you to do so.  You need to have a well thought-out plan and be on that plan to become the best version of yourself.  A man who is directionless, rudderless, is not a high-valued man at all.  By the way, this purpose may evolve over time, in that you may not have it right now, but you should put it in your mind and make it your priority.  A high valued man is about his business--he has a purpose.


Confidence is very important.  It allows you to move through the world on your purpose.  A high valued man has a large quantity of self belief.  This confidence allows you to move through the world like a hot knife through butter.  It allows you to weather life’s ups and down.  You are going to hit bumps in the road.  Having confidence allows you to endure.

One of the greatest qualities that will allow you to be confident is self discovery--knowing who you are--having a true definition of self.  You are not the man other people think you should be.  You define who you want to be and what is important to you.  So being self aware makes you feel more comfortable in your own skin.  Notice, I didn’t say he was arrogant.  That is because another important trait of a high valued man is that he has humility.


A high valued man knows he does not know it all.  He knows he has tons to learn and he needs to be constantly improving.  A lack of humility can make a man complacent.  If you have everything figured out,you don’t have to work as hard.  A wise man knows he doesn’t know everything.  He is a sponge.  He is consistently soaking up new information and learning new skills.

Again, if you don’t have a sense of humility, you will not take in new knowledge--you won’t think you need it.  A high valued man who has humility will pass you by.  

There is a big difference between confidence and arrogance.  A high valued man isn’t arrogant.  He has a sense of humility.


A high valued man has power--both physical and mental.  Remember what we said the two important jobs of the high valued man is:  to provide and protect.  It is much harder to protect yourself or others if you are not physically strong.  Although human beings are the most evolved beings, we are still members of the animal kingdom.  There is still survival of the fittest.  You are much more likely to protect yourself and the people around you if you are physically strong, and if you are in good health.

One of the biggest differences between a man and woman is that a man is physically stronger.  So part of being a high valued man is that he has a sense of physicality.  


A high valued man is a risk taker.  He isn’t complacent.  He knows sometimes he is going to have to face his fears, physical fears, emotional fears, fears of success and fears of failure.  He takes on life’s challenges head on.  He knows he is going to stumble sometimes, but that doesn’t stop him from getting into the game.

A high valued man is going to have some scars--some literal, some figurative.  He is going to have these scars because he had the courage to get into the arena.  You can’t be a high valued man if you base your life on fear.  There are many times you will fail, but you will also succeed if you stay in the game and be consistent.


A high valued man is assertive.  He is assertive, not aggressive.  An assertive man is direct.  He is purposeful.  He goes for what is his.  He stands up for himself.  He does not take any B.S.  He sets boundaries for others and doesn’t allow others to cross those boundaries.

Aggressive is assertive with a lack of control.  The assertive man will step on some toes every now and then, but the aggressive guy will purposefully step on some toes.  The aggressive man can be a bit of a bully.  He has the same boundaries --that he doesn’t take B.S. Whereas the assertive man puts himself first but not at the expense of others.  No high valued man let’s people run over him.  He is assertive.  He is direct.  He knows what he wants and he doesn’t take any B.S.


This trait ties into the humility part.  A high valued man, along his life will want to learn more.  He will want to develop new skills.  He will want to have many different experiences, whether it is taking up a new hobby, traveling, getting to know different types of people.  He will want to know more about the world, thus giving him better insight to himself as well.

A high valued man isn’t satisfied with the status quo.  He doesn’t allow himself to become static--that is where the curiosity comes from.  He sees another day as the possibility of a new adventure.  He constantly wants to take in new information and new experiences. He doesn’t take his station in life for granted.  He has a sense of curiosity.


Every man needs a sense of adaptability.  This adaptability will help you in so many ways.  It allows you to not get into a rut.  But it also allows you to face life’s challenges.  You have to be able to bob and weave.

Let’s face it, life isn’t just a steady incline or steady decline.  There are peaks and valleys.  He knows he is going to face some challenges.  A high valued man, as we said earlier, knows he doesn’t have everything figured out.  So when there are bumps and surprises in the road, he is able to roll with the punches.  He has adaptability.

Whether it is your career or your relationship, he knows he will have to find a way to adapt to new circumstances.  As I mentioned, life isn’t just a consistent path.  There are ups and downs.  A high valued man handles those ups and downs.  He has adaptability.


One of the most important traits a high valued man has is that he is consistent.  He says what he means and means what he says, and most importantly you can count on his word.  He does what he says he is going to do.  You can count on him.  He is dependable.  

A high valued man provides stability for those in his life.  One of the greatest cliches regarding sports when you ask a coach what is the best ability of a player… it is availability.  The guy who is very talented but only shows up to practice 3 out of 5 days can not compete with a guy who is less talented but  the coach can rely on him being there everyday.  Work ethic over talent wins the day anyday.

A high valued man is dependable.  You can count on him and his word is his bond.


  • City : Westchester
  • Poster's age : 37
  • Mobile : 6469222208
  • Address : Multi-Orgasms,PROSTATE,.Strap.